Geomechanical supervision and consulting

Consulting on the use of software package MIDAS – GTS, creating the revision projects Supervision of geotechnical works and specific foundations, consultations on designing and realization of construction works, strengthening of slopes, piles, landslide renewal,… An optimal placement of the design solution into the given geological environment can be achieved by careful geological and geotechnical supervision of the execution, besides suitably executed geological and geotechnical investigations and geostatic analyses. Since the cost of these additional investigations and precise analysis with monitoring (EN 7 – 2004, 2005) and measurements is negligible - in comparison with the costs of the abutment measures - we were able to reduce effectively the investment value of the object.

Luka Koper

Luka Koper – RO-RO terminal v bazenu III, geomehanski nadzor.

Garažna hiša Koper

GH-MOK, garažna hiša investitor MOK, geotehnični nadzor investitorja.

Poglabljanje vplovnega kanala

Geotehnične preiskave in meritve ter nadzor izvedbe gradnje kaset za shranjevanje izkopanega mulja ob poglabljanju vplovnega kanala v Luki Koper, Investitor Uprava za pomorstvo RS, 2014;

BS Izola

Geomehanski nadzor izvedbe BS Izola, Investitor Petrol d.d. 2016;

Poglabljanje vplovnega kanala in bazena

Geomehanski nadzor poglabljanja uplovnega kanala in severnega dela Bazena znotraj akvatorija koprskega pristanišča – 2. Faza , Investitor: Luka Koper, 2014, 2015;


Geomehanski nadzor izvedbe Eurospin Lucija, 2016;

Uvoz in lovilec olj

Geomehanski nadzor celovite ureditve uvoza in lovilca olj na območju Instalacije d.o.o.« v Serminu, 2015, 2017;

Pregrada NEK

Geološko-geomehansko poročilo za pregrado NEK, Investitor NEK 2016